Throughout his young life, Carlo Acutis who was recently beatified spent his life collecting and cataloguing a comprehensive list of Eucharistic miracles from around the world. He placed the sacrament of the Eucharist which he called "his highway to heaven" at the center of his life
The exhibition of the Miracles has been displayed in five continetns throughout the world in many parishes, churches, and basilicas.
A lo largo de su joven vida, Carlo Acutis, recientemente canonizado, dedicó su vida a recopilar y catalogar una lista completa de milagros eucarísticos de todo el mundo. Puso en el centro de su vida el sacramento de la Eucaristía, al que llamó "su camino al cielo".
La exposición de los Milagros se ha exhibido en los cinco continentes en todo el mundo en muchas parroquias, iglesias y basílicas.